Thursday 17 October 2013


This, I think, every child should 
Know before hurrying to embrace manhood -
Character is worth more than gold
And to the one who has grown old, 
This truth must be told
Before time bids one goodbye.

Who Cares?

But not all those who care, really care.

That's why few people care.
And those who really care,
We dare not care.


Of all the battles one fights,
The prominent ones are the unseen ones-
The silent battles we fight in our heads
The battlefield of this war is 
Shield from one one's sight by the skull.
In this battle field dwells 
The most silent noise.
Few people who war this war
May emerge victorious; but when they do
They are the true conquerors
The fact that the fighter fights
Against himself all the time
Makes the silent battle
The most difficult of all battles.
The war to silence the silent  noise
Only ends at death.

Friday 4 October 2013

                                                                        He saved me

All my experiences in life had been painful
I was tired and weary and-hey- it was stressful
Jesus called me and said, 'I'm peaceful'
So come to me my son and just be lawful
I won't consider your sins -yes- I'm merciful
I'm awesome and fearful but not harmful
In my house, I promise, you'll be joyful
All you have to do is just be grateful
And my blessings on you shall be bountiful.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Silent Noise

The Silent Noise.

Of all the battles one fights
The prominent one is the unseen one-- 
The daily battle one fights in one's head
This battlefield is always shield from sight by the skull
The great noise from this battlefield is also not audible to one's ear
I call this noise the silent noise